
Media Release: Liberals need a plan to deliver housing now
The Canberra Liberals housing plan claims to deliver 125,000 homes by 2050. But 100,000 of these homes are projected to come from redeveloping Kowen into Canberra’s newest district.

Media Release: Labor’s medium-density announcements a positive step
We're pleased to see ACT Labor reaffirm its commitment to medium-density housing reforms - but we'll be carefully scrutinising the details.

Media Release: Gungahlin parking protest is poor form
The protest against a Gungahlin development that is only a 10 minute walk away from light rail is deeply misguided.
More articles

Our submission on the North Curtin Residential Area
Our submission on the North Curtin Residential Area

Media Release: Planning statement charts course for more homes and lower emissions
With this statement of planning intent, the government has set the right course for the city. Now they need to follow through and execute on its vision.

Our submission on the Draft Plan Amendment for The Causeway Area
Our submission on the draft plan amendment to enable more homes in The Causeway, Kingston

Media Release: Plans for 1,300 new homes in Curtin a positive step
The Government must be ambitious in maximising the housing potential of the North Curtin site.

Media Release: Inquiry report into Territory Plan shows cross-party support for planning reform
With tri-partisan consensus on the need for Missing Middle zoning reform, it's time to get on with the job.

Our submission to the inquiry into climate change
Why creating a denser and better connected Canberra is key to climate mitigation and adaptation

February 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to the February edition of our monthly newsletter.

Submission on National Capital Plan Draft Amendment 97
Greater Canberra submission on the National Capital Authority's draft amendment to the National Capital Plan.

Media release: Canberra housing experts pan new Territory Plan, call for more density
Canberra housing experts and advocates have called for stronger action to allow more missing middle housing in Canberra suburbs.

Media release: NSW reforms a win for Canberrans, an embarrassment for the ACT Government
NSW reforms a win for Canberrans, an embarrassment for the ACT Government

Support our advocacy - EOIs open for 2024 volunteer roles!
Support our advocacy by taking on one of our 2024 volunteer roles

Media Release: Inquiry shows ACT Government flying blind on planning reform

Uniting the two Canberras: reforming the National Capital Authority
We're calling on the Federal Government to provide the ACT with better representation on the NCA Board.

Media Release: New Territory Plan - one half-step forward, two steps back
The Interim Territory Plan has missed the opportunity to deliver more homes where Canberrans want to live.

Introducing the Abundant Housing Network Australia
Greater Canberra, YIMBY Melbourne and Sydney YIMBY have formed a new national alliance, the Abundant Housing Network Australia! We've made our first joint submission to the Senate's Rental Crisis Inquiry.

Media Release: National Cabinet agreement lays groundwork for missing middle reform
The National Planning Reform Blueprint and New Home Bonus sets a positive direction for housing policy in Australia: building more homes in the places people want to live. For Canberra, however, signing onto this agreement is just the start.

More homes, cleaner transport - research note
More well-located homes would be a boost for climate action

Media Release: Inquiry backs Greater Canberra's call for zoning reform
The Assembly's Inquiry into Housing and Rental Affordability has unanimously recommended the Government support a greater diversity of higher-density housing in the ACT.

Online Seminar: What has parking reform achieved in New Zealand?
Join us on 12 July at 6pm for an online seminar with two of New Zealand's leading transport planning thinkers.

Supporting Pedal Power's campaign for better active transport infrastructure
Join us in supporting Pedal Power's campaign for better cycling and active transport in Canberra.

A partnership for parking reform
We're proud to announce our partnership with the Parking Reform Network.

Media Release: Housing affordability enshrined in the Planning Bill
We're pleased to see housing affordability included as a standalone principle of good planning in the amendments to the Planning Bill.

A response to Elizabeth Farrelly: YIMBYs are champions of the missing middle
Spot rezoning isn't enough - we need broad upzoning to enable density and incremental urbanism.

Media Release: Wide support for universal RZ1 zoning reform
The Territory Plan Listening Report shows Canberrans support reforms for gentle density.

Our submission to the inquiry into fostering and promoting the significance of Australia's national capital
The NCA needs to work with the ACT Government to deliver housing, public transport and amenities to our National Triangle.

Our submission to the ACT heritage arrangements inquiry
Our submission to the ACT heritage arrangements inquiry
Our submission to the Inquiry into the Future of School Infrastructure
Our submission to the Inquiry into the Future of School Infrastructure in the ACT

Our submission on the draft Territory Plan
The draft Territory Plan creates more flexibility in the planning system but fails to enact changes that allow missing middle developments.

Our submissions on the draft District Strategies
The Planning System Review has proposed draft District Strategies to inform the future planning of Canberra's nine districts. We recommend that the Planning Directorate take more ambitious steps to accommodate future housing demand and to support the necessary infrastructure for a growing city.

Submission on the Housing Legislative Package Exposure Drafts
We support the National Housing Affordability and Supply Council Bill's explicit reference to land use planning policy as a factor affecting housing affordability. We recommend that the Bill emphasise the importance of this point.

Media Release: Committee report shows affordability key to planning reform efforts
The Planning Committee has endorsed Greater Canberra’s call for an affordability objective, but their report on the Planning Bill shows the need for a renewed focus on housing affordability and supply throughout our planning laws.

Our submission to the Inquiry into the Planning Bill 2022
Greater Canberra presented our concerns about housing affordability to the ACT Legislative Assembly's inquiry into the Planning Bill.

Help write housing affordability into our planning laws
Let’s put affordability at the heart of the ACT’s planning system

Media Release: Draft Territory Plan is planning for failure
Half-baked District Strategies and Territory Plan fail to deliver the planning leadership Canberra needs.

Our submission on Draft Variation 387
We oppose DV387 as it further restricts medium-density housing in RZ1.
Help us shape Canberra for the better
We urgently need volunteers to help us build a more liveable, sustainable and affordable Canberra.

Greater Canberra Submission on the ACT Active Travel Plan
Better land use policy and deprioritisation of car infrastructure are needed to facilitate active travel.

Light Rail Stage 2 is housing infrastructure. Let’s make it happen.
Light rail isn't just public transport infrastructure - it's also as a key part of Canberra's response to our housing and climate crises.

Media Release: Planning Bill still lacking focus on affordability
Greater Canberra is calling on the Legislative Assembly to amend the ACT Government’s new Planning Bill to help address our housing crisis and make Canberra more affordable.

Newsletter Update - September 2022
Our newsletter update for September 2022

Why building more homes is key to fixing our affordability crisis
The Legislative Assembly is conducting an inquiry into housing. We have a positive plan to improve housing affordability.

Newsletter Update - August 2022
Our newsletter update for August 2022

Budget sets the right housing target, but needs a path to delivery
The ACT Budget’s target of 30,000 new homes is good - now, the Government needs to articulate a path to deliver these 30,000 more homes - and that’s where its plan falls short.

Media Release: Planning changes needed to meet goal of 30k new homes
The ACT Government’s plans to build 30,000 new homes will come up short without planning reforms that unlock more housing in Canberra’s inner suburbs

Newsletter Update - July 2022
Our newsletter update for July 2022

Media Release: Call-in decision provides relief for Canberra's most vulnerable women
Greater Canberra welcomes today’s decision by Planning Minister Mick Gentleman to call in and approve the YWCA’s YHomes Ainslie housing project

Media Release: Census data shows Canberra not planning for enough homes
The Census reveals that the ACT’s planning strategy and housing supply models are drastically off target and off track.

Our submission on the new Planning Bill
Canberra's new Planning Bill needs to highlight affordability as an objective, and remove barriers to more high quality density

Media Release: Manor House variation an important step for the "missing middle"
Greater Canberra welcomes today’s announcement of the approval of Territory Plan Variation 375, enabling the Griffith Manor House to proceed.

Media Release: Greater Canberra analysis shows high rents are hurting families and turning away workers
Greater Canberra analysis shows high rents are hurting families and turning away workers

Greater Canberra 2022-23 ACT Budget Submission
Greater Canberra 2022-23 ACT Budget Submission

Newsletter Update - May 2022
Our newsletter update for May 2022

Help us with community, events and outreach
Much like the average house price, Greater Canberra is growing faster than anyone expected.

Canberra's planning rules are blocking climate action - the latest IPCC report shows why
The latest IPCC report shows sustainable cities are key to emissions reduction

Media Release: Housing debate is missing the "missing middle"
Greater Canberra calls on all parties to follow through on their commitment to housing choices by allowing more medium density housing across Canberra.

Heritage listing for Canberra may do more harm than good
Our dynamic city needs affordable housing and adaptable infrastructure, not more more burdensome heritage rules.

It's time to show our support for social housing in Ainslie
The YWCA is building social housing for women in need. But they need our help to make it happen.

Media Release: Affordability should be front and centre of planning reforms
Greater Canberra welcomes the efforts to streamline our current planning system, but we call for the government to make affordability a core principle of the Planning Act.

Griffith Manor House Open Letter: March 2022 Update
We've delivered your signatures to the Legislative Assembly.

Why planning policy matters for climate change
Australia isn't alone in suffering the consequences of global warming

Let's legalise co-housing for all Canberrans
Our current planning rules are standing in the way of this promising affordable housing option.

Three reasons urban planning matters for gender equality
Urban design can make all the difference when it comes to women's ability to use active transport.

Open letter to the Members of the ACT Legislative Assembly regarding the Griffith Manor House development
The Griffith Manor House open letter was submitted to the Legislative Assembly in late 2021, with over 200 signatories. You can read the full text of the letter here.
Subscribe to our mailing list
For more news, campaign updates and events delivered to your inbox, sign up to the Greater Canberra mailing list.
More articles

Media Release: Liberals need a plan to deliver housing now
The Canberra Liberals housing plan claims to deliver 125,000 homes by 2050. But 100,000 of these homes are projected to come from redeveloping Kowen into Canberra’s newest district.

Media Release: Labor’s medium-density announcements a positive step
We're pleased to see ACT Labor reaffirm its commitment to medium-density housing reforms - but we'll be carefully scrutinising the details.

Media Release: Gungahlin parking protest is poor form
The protest against a Gungahlin development that is only a 10 minute walk away from light rail is deeply misguided.

Our submission on the North Curtin Residential Area
Our submission on the North Curtin Residential Area

Media Release: Planning statement charts course for more homes and lower emissions
With this statement of planning intent, the government has set the right course for the city. Now they need to follow through and execute on its vision.

Our submission on the Draft Plan Amendment for The Causeway Area
Our submission on the draft plan amendment to enable more homes in The Causeway, Kingston

Media Release: Plans for 1,300 new homes in Curtin a positive step
The Government must be ambitious in maximising the housing potential of the North Curtin site.

Media Release: Inquiry report into Territory Plan shows cross-party support for planning reform
With tri-partisan consensus on the need for Missing Middle zoning reform, it's time to get on with the job.

Our submission to the inquiry into climate change
Why creating a denser and better connected Canberra is key to climate mitigation and adaptation

February 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to the February edition of our monthly newsletter.

Submission on National Capital Plan Draft Amendment 97
Greater Canberra submission on the National Capital Authority's draft amendment to the National Capital Plan.

Media release: Canberra housing experts pan new Territory Plan, call for more density
Canberra housing experts and advocates have called for stronger action to allow more missing middle housing in Canberra suburbs.

Media release: NSW reforms a win for Canberrans, an embarrassment for the ACT Government
NSW reforms a win for Canberrans, an embarrassment for the ACT Government

Support our advocacy - EOIs open for 2024 volunteer roles!
Support our advocacy by taking on one of our 2024 volunteer roles

Media Release: Inquiry shows ACT Government flying blind on planning reform

Uniting the two Canberras: reforming the National Capital Authority
We're calling on the Federal Government to provide the ACT with better representation on the NCA Board.

Media Release: New Territory Plan - one half-step forward, two steps back
The Interim Territory Plan has missed the opportunity to deliver more homes where Canberrans want to live.

Introducing the Abundant Housing Network Australia
Greater Canberra, YIMBY Melbourne and Sydney YIMBY have formed a new national alliance, the Abundant Housing Network Australia! We've made our first joint submission to the Senate's Rental Crisis Inquiry.

Media Release: National Cabinet agreement lays groundwork for missing middle reform
The National Planning Reform Blueprint and New Home Bonus sets a positive direction for housing policy in Australia: building more homes in the places people want to live. For Canberra, however, signing onto this agreement is just the start.

More homes, cleaner transport - research note
More well-located homes would be a boost for climate action

Media Release: Inquiry backs Greater Canberra's call for zoning reform
The Assembly's Inquiry into Housing and Rental Affordability has unanimously recommended the Government support a greater diversity of higher-density housing in the ACT.

Online Seminar: What has parking reform achieved in New Zealand?
Join us on 12 July at 6pm for an online seminar with two of New Zealand's leading transport planning thinkers.

Supporting Pedal Power's campaign for better active transport infrastructure
Join us in supporting Pedal Power's campaign for better cycling and active transport in Canberra.

A partnership for parking reform
We're proud to announce our partnership with the Parking Reform Network.

Media Release: Housing affordability enshrined in the Planning Bill
We're pleased to see housing affordability included as a standalone principle of good planning in the amendments to the Planning Bill.

A response to Elizabeth Farrelly: YIMBYs are champions of the missing middle
Spot rezoning isn't enough - we need broad upzoning to enable density and incremental urbanism.

Media Release: Wide support for universal RZ1 zoning reform
The Territory Plan Listening Report shows Canberrans support reforms for gentle density.

Our submission to the inquiry into fostering and promoting the significance of Australia's national capital
The NCA needs to work with the ACT Government to deliver housing, public transport and amenities to our National Triangle.

Our submission to the ACT heritage arrangements inquiry
Our submission to the ACT heritage arrangements inquiry
Our submission to the Inquiry into the Future of School Infrastructure
Our submission to the Inquiry into the Future of School Infrastructure in the ACT

Our submission on the draft Territory Plan
The draft Territory Plan creates more flexibility in the planning system but fails to enact changes that allow missing middle developments.

Our submissions on the draft District Strategies
The Planning System Review has proposed draft District Strategies to inform the future planning of Canberra's nine districts. We recommend that the Planning Directorate take more ambitious steps to accommodate future housing demand and to support the necessary infrastructure for a growing city.

Submission on the Housing Legislative Package Exposure Drafts
We support the National Housing Affordability and Supply Council Bill's explicit reference to land use planning policy as a factor affecting housing affordability. We recommend that the Bill emphasise the importance of this point.

Media Release: Committee report shows affordability key to planning reform efforts
The Planning Committee has endorsed Greater Canberra’s call for an affordability objective, but their report on the Planning Bill shows the need for a renewed focus on housing affordability and supply throughout our planning laws.

Our submission to the Inquiry into the Planning Bill 2022
Greater Canberra presented our concerns about housing affordability to the ACT Legislative Assembly's inquiry into the Planning Bill.

Help write housing affordability into our planning laws
Let’s put affordability at the heart of the ACT’s planning system

Media Release: Draft Territory Plan is planning for failure
Half-baked District Strategies and Territory Plan fail to deliver the planning leadership Canberra needs.

Our submission on Draft Variation 387
We oppose DV387 as it further restricts medium-density housing in RZ1.
Help us shape Canberra for the better
We urgently need volunteers to help us build a more liveable, sustainable and affordable Canberra.

Greater Canberra Submission on the ACT Active Travel Plan
Better land use policy and deprioritisation of car infrastructure are needed to facilitate active travel.

Light Rail Stage 2 is housing infrastructure. Let’s make it happen.
Light rail isn't just public transport infrastructure - it's also as a key part of Canberra's response to our housing and climate crises.

Media Release: Planning Bill still lacking focus on affordability
Greater Canberra is calling on the Legislative Assembly to amend the ACT Government’s new Planning Bill to help address our housing crisis and make Canberra more affordable.

Newsletter Update - September 2022
Our newsletter update for September 2022

Why building more homes is key to fixing our affordability crisis
The Legislative Assembly is conducting an inquiry into housing. We have a positive plan to improve housing affordability.

Newsletter Update - August 2022
Our newsletter update for August 2022

Budget sets the right housing target, but needs a path to delivery
The ACT Budget’s target of 30,000 new homes is good - now, the Government needs to articulate a path to deliver these 30,000 more homes - and that’s where its plan falls short.

Media Release: Planning changes needed to meet goal of 30k new homes
The ACT Government’s plans to build 30,000 new homes will come up short without planning reforms that unlock more housing in Canberra’s inner suburbs

Newsletter Update - July 2022
Our newsletter update for July 2022

Media Release: Call-in decision provides relief for Canberra's most vulnerable women
Greater Canberra welcomes today’s decision by Planning Minister Mick Gentleman to call in and approve the YWCA’s YHomes Ainslie housing project

Media Release: Census data shows Canberra not planning for enough homes
The Census reveals that the ACT’s planning strategy and housing supply models are drastically off target and off track.

Our submission on the new Planning Bill
Canberra's new Planning Bill needs to highlight affordability as an objective, and remove barriers to more high quality density

Media Release: Manor House variation an important step for the "missing middle"
Greater Canberra welcomes today’s announcement of the approval of Territory Plan Variation 375, enabling the Griffith Manor House to proceed.

Media Release: Greater Canberra analysis shows high rents are hurting families and turning away workers
Greater Canberra analysis shows high rents are hurting families and turning away workers

Greater Canberra 2022-23 ACT Budget Submission
Greater Canberra 2022-23 ACT Budget Submission

Newsletter Update - May 2022
Our newsletter update for May 2022

Help us with community, events and outreach
Much like the average house price, Greater Canberra is growing faster than anyone expected.

Canberra's planning rules are blocking climate action - the latest IPCC report shows why
The latest IPCC report shows sustainable cities are key to emissions reduction

Media Release: Housing debate is missing the "missing middle"
Greater Canberra calls on all parties to follow through on their commitment to housing choices by allowing more medium density housing across Canberra.

Heritage listing for Canberra may do more harm than good
Our dynamic city needs affordable housing and adaptable infrastructure, not more more burdensome heritage rules.

It's time to show our support for social housing in Ainslie
The YWCA is building social housing for women in need. But they need our help to make it happen.

Media Release: Affordability should be front and centre of planning reforms
Greater Canberra welcomes the efforts to streamline our current planning system, but we call for the government to make affordability a core principle of the Planning Act.

Griffith Manor House Open Letter: March 2022 Update
We've delivered your signatures to the Legislative Assembly.

Why planning policy matters for climate change
Australia isn't alone in suffering the consequences of global warming

Let's legalise co-housing for all Canberrans
Our current planning rules are standing in the way of this promising affordable housing option.

Three reasons urban planning matters for gender equality
Urban design can make all the difference when it comes to women's ability to use active transport.

Open letter to the Members of the ACT Legislative Assembly regarding the Griffith Manor House development
The Griffith Manor House open letter was submitted to the Legislative Assembly in late 2021, with over 200 signatories. You can read the full text of the letter here.
Subscribe to our mailing list
For more news, campaign updates and events delivered to your inbox, sign up to the Greater Canberra mailing list.